Friday, July 13, 2007

Highschool Memories

Jhiana tagged me. I'm learning how to do this blog thing.

Who was your best friend? Veronica, Allison, Erin, Steve, Tara, Lisa and Buddy. During most of high school with all of them.

What sports did you play? None..I did track but pulled my hamstring and didn't get to compete in any meets.

What kind of car did you drive? I had an 86 Nissan Pulsar. Gold..with a sunroof..LOVED IT!!!

It's Friday night, where were you? Rollerskating with Allison or going to parties with Buddy. Or dancing at Harlequin's with Erin, Tara, Lisa, Veronica and Steve.

Were you a party animal? Nope

Were you considered a flirt? Still am. :)

Were you in band, orchestra, or choir? Nope...those were for the geeks. LOL

Were you a nerd? I didn't think so.

Did you get suspended/expelled? Nope..I wouldn't be here if had. I would be dead.

Can you sing the fight song? We didn't have one. I don't think. Did we?

Who was your favorite teacher? Mr. Detz...he taught math. I adored him. I hope he's doing well.

School mascot? We didn't have one. I don't think. Did we?

Did you go to prom? Yep..both junior and senior. They were both fun. Buddy was too afraid to ask me or I would have gone with him. He's a girl. LOLOL

If you could go back and do it over, would you? Maybe.

What do you remember most about graduation? Walking out of the school and seeing my car filled with balloons and
strofoam popcorn. My wonderful cousins Tracy, Chris and our friend Jeff did it. I even made the local paper!!

Where were you on senior skip day? I remember Steve and I went to some park somewhere with some other seniors.

Did you have a job your senior year? Yep..Mary Jane's...I was an ice cream scooper.

Where did you go most often for lunch? To the cafeteria...we weren't allowed off campus.

Have you gained weight? Seriously?

What did you do after graduation? Had a party at my house and then went to some parties.

When did you graduate? 1988

Who was your Senior prom date? His name is Dave.

Are you going / did you go to your 10 year reunion? Yep went. It was ok. Not many people showed.

Who was your home room teacher? Mr. Igo and Miss Morabito.
Who will repost this after you? no one


Jhianna said...

Good God woman! You were popular! Ack!


Jasmine said...

LOL!! Not really. I was actually very shy in high school.
Kinda like how I am now. :)