Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Oh wah! Fucking grow up already. You play the victim very well. Seriously, you deserve an oscar. Hmmm.....where can I get my hands on one?


I'm thinking a trip to NY is in order. I need to get out of dodge for a weekend. I need to be around my NY people. Now, I just need to look at airfares.
OOOOH I'm getting excited.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Oh well..........

Well apparently I'm a bitch for speaking my mind. To be honest, I expected it. Nobody takes responsiblity for their actions or their words anymore. So, I guess I'll do what is expected of me...I'll apologize cuz I hurt feelings and move on. Maybe one of these days someone will apologize to me. But then again..I am a bitch. Oh well..........